Loving the Lord, Serving the Least, Reaching the Lost.

Join us on Sundays & Wednesdays.

Sundays: Life Groups 9:30 AM | Worship 10:30 AM
Wednesdays: Discipleship Groups 7 PM

Our chief end at Cornerstone Church is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. We strive towards this goal by studying the will and purpose of God revealed in Scripture and being obedient to that Word.

On Sundays, we offer Sunday school at 9:30 AM for all ages. During this time we study and discuss the practical application of His Word. Then, at 10:30 AM, we have our Sunday Morning Worship Service, where we come together to worship, read the Word of God, hear a challenging message, and reveal what the scriptures say.

On Wednesdays, we offer our Midweek Discipleship Groups at 7 PM. During this time, expect to grow deeper in your faith and have a greater understanding of what the Scriptures say. Classes are available for all ages, and child care is provided.

Contact us.

At Cornerstone, YOU matter to us, and we want to hear from you! Share with us your prayer request or question and someone from the church staff will contact you soon.


Cornerstone Church


Sunday Morning - Life Groups 9:30 AM | Service 10:30 AM
Wednesday Evenings - Discipleship Groups 7 PM

(937) 498 - 1328

2220 N. Main Ave.
Sidney, OH 45365